Apostolate in Detail

St Joseph Home-Hospice for Cancer Patients



ADDRESS:Hospice for Cancer Patients, Gandhinagar P.O., Kottayam




In December 1994 the sisters of St. Joseph Established "St. Joseph's Home" as a memorial of the 50th death anniversary of our Founder Rev. Fr. Thomas Poothathil. St. Joseph's home is hospice for terminally- Ill cancer patients, built close to the Kottayam Medical college. It is a charitable institution. The administration and management of this institution is done by sisters of St. Joseph's congregation. 40 patients can be accommodated at a time in St. Joseph's home. So far 900 patients are admitted in this Institution out of these 520 patients expired from this home.

We provide service to all categories of cancer patients, irrespective of cast and creed most of the patients will be having smelling wounds and maggot may be moving around. We are given tender loving palliative care and are prepared for a peaceful, Joyful, and dignified death. The doctors of the Medical College, especially of the cancer department, Offer their services to the terminally ill patients at this Hospital, sisters prepared the patients, psychologically and spiritually to accepts the diagnosis and have a peaceful death. We have concrete cemetery (vault) for burying the dead body which has no one to claim.

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