Mile Stones

1925 May 3         Foundation of St. Thomas Asylum for physically handicapped by the Servant of God Fr. Thomas Poothathil

1927 Jun7            Starting of St. Thomas U.P. School, Kurumulloor

1928 Jul 3            Foundation of the first Convent of St. Joseph’s Congregation at Kaipuzha – St. Joseph’s Convent

                            Vestition and Religious Profession of first five members of St. Joseph’s Congregation - Sr. Josephina, Sr. Thomasia, Sr. Ignatia, Sr. Kochuthresia and Sr. Magdalena

1939 Dec 24        Sr. Josephina and Sr. Thomasia made their final Profession. Sr. Josephina is officially appointed superior of the Sisters.

1943 Jan 6           First Constitution given by the founder, Rev. Fr. Thomas Poothathil,

1943 Dec 4          Demise of Servant of God Fr. Thomas Poothathil, founder of the Congregation  

1951 Dec 21        The second Convent is established at Kurumulloor.

1956                    The Constitution, originally made by the founder, revised.

1960 Mar 19        The first General Chapter held. Sr. Josephina is elected Mother General.

1962                    The Constitution again revised.

1970 Jun 10         Sr. Josephina, the first Mother General, dies.

1972 May 8         The Constitutions, revised in the light of Vatican II decrees, come into force.

1981 Oct 5          The first House outside Kerala started in the mission diocese of Rajkot.

1982 Jan 8           The first House abroad and the first in Rome opened at San Gabriele.

1983 Dec 4          The mortal remains of the Founder transferred from the Kaipuzha church to the Convent chapel at Kaipuzha.

1984 Nov 1         A House in the United States of America started.

1985 Jul 28          The first House in Germany opened.

1991 May 14       A Study House for the Junior Sisters established in Bangalore.

1993 Mar 19        The Constitution, revised in the light of post-Vatican changes, come into force.

1994 Feb 27        The 50th Convent of the Congregation, and first in the Capital of the Country (Delhi), opened.

1999 Feb 17        A house in Ujjain Diocese opened

2003 April 24      Platinum Jubilee of the Congregation celebrated

2007 April 27      Bangalore Hostel reconstructed and inaugurated

2007 March 19    A House in Torino in Italy opened.

2008 July 3          The Constitution revised

2009 January 26  Declaration of Rev. Fr. Thomas Poothathil, the founder of St. Joseph’s Congregation, as the Servant of God by His Grace Mar Mathew Moolakkat, the Metropolitan Archbishop of Kottayam at Christuraja Cathedral, Kottayam

2010 March 22    A new house opened in Changaleeri in Palakkad

2012 January 30  Bought a new school in Changaleeri

2012 June            Sisters started working in Salzburg, Austria

2013 Sept. 30      A house in Florence (Italy) opened

2017 August 5     SJC Sisters started their new mission at Houston in USA staying in rented building with Sr. Reji, Sr. Josia and Sr. Joicy as its pioneers.

2018 June 30       Concluding ceremony of the Navathy celebration of the Congregation at Neendoor

2019 August 25   Newly built convent at Arunoottimangalam was blessed by His Grace Mar Mathew Moolakkat, the Metropolitan Archbishop of Kottayam

2019 Dec. 1         Newly built convent at Areekara was blessed by His Grace Mar Mathew Moolakkat,  the Metropolitan Archbishop of Kottayam

2019 Dec. 28       Newly built convent at Kaipuzha was blessed by His Grace Mar Mathew Moolakkat,  the Metropolitan Archbishop of Kottayam

2020 August 30   Newly built convent at Puthuvely was blessed by His Grace Mar Mathew Moolakkat,  the Metropolitan Archbishop of Kottayam

2021 Dec. 6         Newly built convent at Karippadam was blessed by His Excellency Mar Joseph Pandarasseril,  Auxiliary Bishop of Kottayam.

2022 October 29    Our Sisters started their service in the parish of Santa Maria Assunta, Piancastagnaio in the Diocese of Pitigliano-Sovana-OrbetelloItaly for the care of the poor and abandoned of ‘Casa Famiglia’

2022 December 17   150th Ordination Day of Servant of God Thomas Poothathil celebrated with different programs at St. Thomas School, Kurumulloor premises. The foundation stone for Kaduthuruthy Convent was blessed by His Grace Mar Mathew Moolakkat, Archbishop of Kottayam at Generalate Chapel after the Holy Mass on the occasion of the 150th Ordination Day of Servant of God Thomas Poothathil .

2022 December 18   Foundation stone laid at Kaduthuruthy for the new convent by Very Rev. Fr. Abraham Parambet, Vicar, St. Mary's Forane Church, Kaduthuruthy

2023 January 2   Renovated Chapel and building of Edesa Convent (Regional House) blessed by His Excellency Rt. Rev. Mar Joseph Pandarasseril, Auxiliary Bishop of Kottayam.

2023 March 19  Blessed our new house at Houston, in the USA for our SJC Sisters by His Excellency Rt. Rev. Joy Alappatt, Bishop of St. Thomas Diocese of Chicago. Congregation's first own convent outside India. Thanks be to God the Almighty 

2023 April 13-20   23rd General Synaxis of the Congregation convoked 

2023 August 21  Foundation stone laid at Cherukara for the new convent by Rev. Fr. Benny Kannuvettiel, Vicar, St. Mary's Church, Cherukara

2023 October 24  A new mission started in Italy at Sanremo; Sr. Vimal Rose and Sr. Sobha started their service.

2023 November 23 Newly built convent (Reconstructed) at  Kaduthuruthy was blessed by His Grace Mar Mathew Moolakkat.

2024 April 3 Newly built convent (Reconstructed) at  Cherukara was blessed by His Grace Mar Mathew Moolakkat.

2024 April 13 Closing ceremony of the Archeparchial Inquiry of the Beatification and Canonization of Servant of God Father Thomas Poothathil, our Founder had conducted at Christ the King Knanaya Catholic Metropolitan Cathedral, Archeparchy of Kottayam.

2024 May 1 Centenary year of St. Thomas Asylum, Kaipuzha began with a small programme like Centernary Logo presentation and lamp lighting

2024 August 18  A new mission started at Dallas in USA with Sr. Sabitha, Sr. Liby and Sr. Betsy as its pioneer members of the new community. Convent blessed by Rev. Fr. Thomas Mulavanal, Director of Knanaya Region and Vicar General of Chicago Syro-Malabar Diocese together with the parish priest Rev. Fr. Abraham Kalarickal. 

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