Situated at Mangalagiri, 3 km from Mangalamdam, this Convent was started on May 31, 1982 at the request of the people of the locality. The first members, Srs. Alex, Anila and Joan stayed in the parish house. The foundation stone of the present building was laid by Bishop Mar Kuriakose Kunnacherry in October 1983. The Convent was blessed by him on August 15, 1984. Srs. Alex, Tessy, Pauline, Julia, Catherine, Mareena Sr. Jyothi, Sr. Annie Jose, Sr.Dani, Sr. Elsy Jose, Sr. Helma, Sr. Leoni and Sr. Sani are the former Superiors. At present Sr. Vimal is the superior of this convent.
Members are:
Sr. Vimal (Superior)
Sr. Jerome
Sr. Karunya
Allied Institution
Asha Bhavan is a Boarding House, in the compound of Mangalagiri Convent, run free of charge for the poor, established by the Diocese on June 1, 1987. Many children from far away places stayed here and studied. Due to the change of rules and regulations of the running of Boarding houses, this instituiton is also forced to close down.